Loosdrechtse Plassen

The area around Loosdrecht is the perfect place to enjoy the water. This area is bursting with beautiful nature, impressive houses, undiscovered places and nice beaches. Sail a nice route and enjoy the good vibes of this area along the way. For more information about the region, events and fun routes check the site of Gooi & Vechtstreek.
Below, we've listed the best cruises and restaurants for you.

Download this route and cruise for 3.5 hours on the lakes and the Vecht. From the Porseleinhaven you go via the Westelijke Drecht and the Mijndense sluice on the Vecht. For the waiting time at the locks we count about one hour, this is already included in the time.
Note: The waiting time at the locks can be quite long in good weather and crowded! A stop en route is not included in the calculation.

Cruise past stately homes, beautiful hydrangeas and cozy terraces until you reach the Weersluis. Go through the self service lock (This is a shallow lock, not suitable for large and/or deep boats) and back between the farmlands to the Loosdrechtse plassen.

Click or scan the QR code to open the map of all places of interest in Google Maps.

Download this route which you can find during such a 4.5 hours (without stops) will show you beautiful places. This route is approximately 22 kilometer. For the waiting time at the locks we count about one hour, this is already included in the time.
NOTE: Waiting time at the locks can be considerable in good weather and crowds! A stop en route is not included in the calculation.
(The picture you see here sails counterclockwise)

Lock tour
[first hour] From the Porseleinhaven you sail along the many harbors on the Oostelijke Drecht, at the very end you turn left. Now you are on the 's-Gravenlandse Vaart. At the end of the canal you go through the Raaisluis (near the Intratuin) and then turn left.

[second hour] You are now sailing on the Hilversums Canal, large stretches of this canal are dead straight which is why rowing competitions are often held here. The canal lies along the N201. When you're halfway you pass Fort Kijkuit, where you can moor if you wish.
At the end of the canal you come to lock 't Hemeltje. Go through the locks and turn left on the Vecht.

[third hour] Cruise down this river for a long stretch. On the way you will pass through idyllic Vreeland and Loenen on the Vecht. There are numerous restaurants in these towns. Tip: Pancake restaurant Hendrik (formerly 'North Brabant') in Vreeland!
After you pass these villages and already 4 bridges on the Vecht you see on your left the Mijndense locks, which you pass (cost €5).

[fourth hour] About 800m after the lock you go up the Western Drecht back to the Loosdrechtse Plassen (you see an arrow that says right is the recommended route, but you go straight on. It is not a one-way street and it is the best route). On this part of the Drecht you may encounter even more boats than on the Vecht. There are also many manually operated ferries (which always have priority).
As you sail out of the Drecht keep left, back to the Porcelain Harbour. On your left you will see many luxurious Gooish villas with covered boathouses. Feel free to cruise a little closer along the shore back to the harbor.

Do you have some time left? Sail to the island Markus Pos for a nice beach (or toilet stop)!

Click or scan the QR code to open the map of all places of interest in Google Maps.

Download this route Via the Drecht and the Mijnden locks you enter the Vecht. Cruise past stately homes, beautiful hydrangeas and cozy terraces as far as you like. If you follow this route you should count on about 4.5 to 5 hours sailing time. Back to the lakes you use the locks Kraaienestersluis. This is a self service lock (note: shallow lock, not suitable for large and/or deep boats). Through beautiful area you can sail back to the Loosdrechtse lakes.

Through these webcams you can watch the Loosdrechtse Plassen live, useful if you want to see how busy it is, how much wind and waves there are or just want to peek.
The map shows where the webcams are located.

From the White House

From KWVL start tower (view of first puddle)

From KWVL terrace

From the Waldorf

Garbage collection service

Addresses for repair/maintenance/sales

  • Jachtservice Breukelen, Oud-Loosdrechtsedijk 141A, Loosdrecht. Also accessible from the water.
    Repairer for boats and inboard engines (also Vetus parts dealer).
  • BML, Old-Loosdrechtsedijk 95A, Loosdrecht. Phone: 035 5828485
    Maintenance and repair of outboard motors.
  • Huib Versluis of Versluistotaal, Middenweg 117-a, Nederhorst den Berg.
    Good craftsman/repairer and maintenance for outboard motors.
  • Rogier Hoetmer, Aluminum & Engineering, Phone: 06-290110896, Reeweg 10, Nederhorst den Berg.
    Aluminum boats, aluminum welding, aluminum repairs, annodes and new construction.

Phone numbers and opening hours Locks

Phone numbers and opening hours Locks

  • New Lock Bridge (bridge over the Vecht): 06-25346304 (self-service, opens automatically after calling)
  • Weteringbrug (bridge between Vecht and Amsterdam Rhine Canal): 0294-230761 (self-service, opens automatically after calling)
  • Nigtevecht Bridge: 06-51205038 (see opening hours)


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